Member Information
Annual Returns
Annual Return forms are mailed to all members in March of each year.
The deadline for Annual Returns in April 30th each year.
The information obtained from these returns is compiled into the Associations flock book and permits the Secretariat to maintain accurate data base records.
Registrations & Transfer Fees
(All fees inclusive of GST)
Ram registration:
$11.00 per ram
Ram transfer:
$22.00 per transfer (applies to any weaned ram regardless of its age)
Transfer of previously registered ram to new owner:
Ewe/lamb transfer:
$5.50 per lamb or ewe
(applies to any weaned ewe regardless of its age)
Semen Transfers
$11.00 per package
Embryo Transfers
AOB Processing Fee
$27.50 for inclusion of an Any Other Breed Sire
in WebManager
Flock Numbers
Flock numbers are allocated at the time of flock registration with the Australian White Suffolk Association.
Exhibition of White Suffolk Sheep & Multi-Vendor Sales at Shows
Members are encouraged to exhibit and display White Suffolk sheep. For White Suffolk sheep to be eligible for exhibition/show they must be eligible for registration as a White Suffolk. Appendix sheep cannot be shown.
Exhibitors must be financial members of the Australian White Suffolk Association.
Ovine Brucellosis
All Australian White Suffolk studs must be in the Ovine Brucellosis (OB) programme to be a financial member of the Australian White Suffolk Association Inc. This is effective as of January 2018.
Contact your local Department of Agricultural for information on the Ovine Brucellosis requirements for your state.
Promotional Clothing
Rugby tops, windcheaters, golf shirts and baseball caps can be purchased through the Secretariat. These have as a standard item the White Suffolk logo and an option of your stud prefix at an additional cost.
Stock is not held by the Secretariat, purchases are only made via order form.
Superwhites - young sire and genetic improvement program
New members are advised that a Flock Improvement Program is conducted by a committee of white suffolk breeders with the assistance of Lambplan. This is a high performance program that requires participants to meet specific criteria.
Annual National Conference
The AWSA conducts an annual Conference each year, this takes the form of a three day live-in experience and involves sale, show, Annual General Meeting, educational forums and socialising. Specific program and registration papers are forwarded to all members in October or November each year.
Performance Recording
Members are encouraged to participate in a performance recording program. Programs available include, Stockscan, Lambplan and Primescan.
For details contact the Secretariat.
Three newsletters are published each year - April, August and November
Members are encouraged to submit articles of interest, sales and show results, letters to the editor and advertisements.
Advertising in the AWSA Newsletter is available to all members with content to have a White Suffolk focus. Corporate rates for sheep industry related groups are available on request to the AWSA.
Advertisement rates:
Colour Page - Back Cover - $660
Colour Page - Inside Front Cover and Back Cover- $495
Double page spread in centre - $990
Colour Page - inside - Full Page $330
Colour Page - inside - Half Page $220
Due date for adverts and editorial:
April Issue - Mar 15th
August Issue - June 30th
November Issue - Oct 15th
Phone the Secretariat to find out more 0488 018 765.
or Email the Secretariat.
Annual Membership Fees (inclusive of GST)
Full membership:
0-25 ewes: $200.00 (including GST)
26-100 ewes: $280.00 (including GST)
101 - 200 ewes $340.00 (including GST)
201 - 300 ewes $400.00 (including GST)
Over 300 ewes $450.00 (including GST)
Associate Membership: $55.00 (including GST)
Junior Member: $100.00 (including GST)